Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Greedy (1994)


Today was not a bad day. I had academics in the morning and discussed a lot. Then studied in my little corner office. Went to Art History for a FUN class! Had lunch with some of my fav ppl here. Went to Editing (where I got my refund check). Watched some Melies (my kind of guy!), had dinner (again with great people.) Then had time to paint my nails hot pink and drive to Design/Production. Happy Tuesday to you!

To get a little serious with you, although I'm grateful for this check I want to say, for the record. I.Hate.Money. I hate what money makes people do. I hate relying on it so much, I hate owing it. (I never borrow it, unless from a bank) But I hate borrowing it. I just hate it. I'd be a farmer if it meant I could pay for things with corn or cotton. Granted I wouldn't have time to do anything else... But I'd still attempt it. Speaking of which...

Movies: (Isn't that why we are here?) I just finished Manderlay (2005) by Lars von Trier. And really enjoyed it. My friend Harry will argue it was more disturbing than Dogville (2003), but I beg to differ. Watch Dogville first if you are interested. (Both on Netflix) Tomorrow Dancer in The Dark (2000) arrives which is Harry's 2nd fav Trier film so I'm going to try it. It stars Bjork. :) And most students (including myself) are waiting for the release of Melancholia (2011) which is Trier's most recent starring Kirsten Dunst. 
This weekend I am screening City of Lost Children (1995)


Just a few movie facts about me:

When I was 9 or 10 I saw Mel Brook's Robin Hood: Men in Tights (1993) and it instantly became my favorite movie for a really long time. It was the kind of VHS I could watch over and over again.

A Little Princess (1995) was released on my 11th birthday and after seeing that, I swore I would live in India because I thought the men were blue and that it looked like Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory.

Michael Berz' Snow White (1987) was/is my favorite adaptation of Snow White. The 7 dwarfs are named: Iddy, Biddy, Kiddy, Diddy, Fiddy, Giddy, and Liddy. I would stand on my coffee table with a blanket around my shoulders as a cape and sing all of the songs.

I memorized all of the lines in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective When Nature Calls (1995)


Assignment in Art History today: with clay, make something that you feel protects you or represents you. I made Brandon's hand. I think it can protect me from anything. 

Side note: Can someone please tell Mr. Postman, once he delivers' the Marvelettes their letter (the sooner the better) he can deliver my last 2 text books? That'd be great. 

This is me in Production Design & Animation showing off my pickle band aid. (My gift from Brandon for going to school here! (along with tuition))

In my video blog you'll see me do magic in honor of:
French filmmaker Georges Méliès (1861–1938) was in the words of Jim Gilchrist of the Scotsman , "one of the great pioneers of the cinema." The special effects and onscreen magic of movies made more than a century after his heyday still reflect the impact of his innovations and his imagination.

Anybody reading this, I want you to know that doing something you wouldn't normally do is scary as sh_t. Taking a leap to do something you've always wanted to do will seem impossible. But you never know if you can if you don't try. Failing is better than never even attempting. And if you do fail, it's ok. There's always that second dream that will be just as good. Btw, in case film doesn't work out, I'm seriously overcoming my fear of clowns and finding Robert Pattinson and joining the circus with him. He's not really my choice of life partner.... but I doubt Brandon will like the idea of the circus. 


Monday, August 29, 2011

Burn After Reading (2008)

Happy Homework day! I'm taking advantage of having missed doing this [homework] for the last four years. I got out of bed with the up most alacrity and started my readings.  I was disappointed in how bored I was with my first reading for my SSC class (Self, Society & Cosmos) aka Western Lit. Man and Nature in the New Testament, a lecture by Ethel M. Wood at the University of London in 1964. I did, however, like an aspiration by George Herbert, "That, as the world serves us, we may serve thee, And both thy servants be."

Reading on I found a set of verses that try to describe the union between man and inanimate nature.

"All things search until they find
God through the gateway of thy mind. 

Highest star and humblest clod
Turn home through thee to God.
When thou rejoicest in the rose 

Blissful from earth to heaven she goes; 
Upon thy bosom summer seas
Escape from their captivities;
Within thy sleep the sightless eyes

Of night revisage Paradise;
In thy soft awe yon mountain high
To his creator draweth nigh;
This lonely tarn, reflecting thee,

 Returneth to eternity;
And thus in thee the circuit vast
Is rounded and complete at last,
And at last, through thee revealed
To God, what time and space concealed."
‘To Everyman’ (Edith Anne Stewart, The Nation, November, 1918). 

Pretty cool, huh? 

In Art History I started working on my 'notebook/sketchbook" and I'm having fun with it. We are starting with the earliest non-representational 'art' object found in the Blombos Cave in South Africa. 75,000 years ago!!! 

Meet Woman of Hohle Fels (bottom image) a figurine standing only 2.4 inches tall made of mammoth ivory. The figure on the top is The Woman of Willendorf. Check them out, they are very interesting. And the arguments surrounding them are also entertaining (whether they are images of fertility and sensuality).

The chapters I have to read in Editing are killing me. It's very informative, but the font in the book, I think is 4. The readings are on Pudovkin, Griffith & Eisenstein. 

Pudovkin was a Soviet filmmaker from the 1920s-50s. Notable for introducing the Soviet montage theory, and relying heavily on the editing aspect of film. 

Griffith is most known for The Birth of a Nation, Active 1900-30s. 

Eisenstein also a pioneer in the Soviet montage theory. Both October (Eisenstein) and Birth of a Nation (Griffith) are on Netflix instant watch if you're interested. Pay attention to the lack of continuity. 

"Once more I repeat, that editing is the creative force of filmic reality, and that nature provides only the raw material with which it works. That, precisely, is the relationship between editing and the film."

Kuleshov maintained that the material in filmwork consists of pieces of film, and that the composition method is their joining together in a particular, creatively discovered order. He maintained that film art does not begin when the artists act and the various scenes are shot--this is only the preparation of the material. Film art begins from the moment when the director begins to combine and join together the various pieces of film. By joining them in various combinations in different orders, he obtains differing results. 

After some rocking' Moroccan chicken, I trotted my derriere to the Main Theater where our first SGA/Town Hall meeting was held. Guests included Dean Kerner and Asst. Dean Grillo. The hot topic tonight being the potential halt on filming with 16 & 35 mm film. Mainly focusing on digital due to the budget. My attitude remains, I'm grateful for anything and I understand the future of film is digital. In the next 2 years there will be no theaters that screen their films in film (print), it will all be digital. So for those of you who enjoy the nostalgia of film, find it, enjoy it and tell your kids about it. 

That's all I have for you today. I'm still steadily reading that editing assignment. Buenas noches!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Grown Ups (2010)

If I'm not living with Brandon, I'm living with mom in Fayetteville and very rarely am I ever alone. I find myself alone a lot here. (People will disagree because I've already been given a very socialite reputation) It's really only when I walk from my apartment or when I get to where I need to be 1/2 hour early. It gives me time to think about a lot of things. And today I really thought about what I'm doing here. For a second I felt lost because realistically, the film industry is not easy. But I'v said it before. I'm not looking for easy. And more specifically I mean what do I really want to do. Being my first year (and first week at that) I don't actually have to choose, but I wish I could say, with conviction, that I know exactly what I want. I can say that I want to be a filmmaker. That's enough for now. :)

The being alone thing is good for me because I need to start really thinking about elaborating on all these stories in my head. I have the opportunity and resources to make them come to life. First year assignment is a 5 min film. There are a few rules like it has to be filmed on campus and no complete nudity. I can handle that. 

Brandon sent me a sweet pic!!

He's so cray cray. I should be able to Skype him soon. Isn't that face just sweet?

Here's one of the last pics I took of my puppy, Peanut. He was under my bed and when I called his name he popped his head just under my head board. 

Agh!! I love him so much!!!

So! There are some FANTASTIC movies on Netflix instant watch and that has become my bff.  I am currently finishing up Eyes Wide Shut (continuing my Kubrick marathon) Then I'll pit stop in von Trier land and watch Manderlay which is suppose to be the sequel to a movie I really like, Dogville. But I can't find anywhere that officially says that. Just my bud, Harry, who's pretty brilliant. (But don't tell him I said that, I doubt he reads my blog). 

I have to say, this is such a sight to me. My first time on campus was summer of 2008 when I came to see my dearies, Molly & Adam in some summer drama camp thing and I came by the film village and never thought I could ever be a student here. At that time I really thought that my life was my life and it wouldn't change. A few months later I move to CA and that's all she wrote.... so far. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Smurfs (2011)

Let me start off by saying that i.love.jen.petrini. Jen practically saved my life when I moved to CA in 2008. I applied to volunteer for the San Diego Film Festival and didn't know a soul. I was terrified and lonely and as fate would have it, Jen and I were scheduled for the same shift in Guest Services. Quickly becoming rock start volunteers we found ourselves in staff and filmmaker only parties, and just chumming it up with the best of them. Fast forward a year and there we are again. My favorite memories of CA and one of my loveliest and truest friends.

"Woe to the Solitary Person"

For those of you living in or near San Diego; check out http://www.sdff.org/  It's the best blend of independent film, beautiful weather, beautiful and talented people, and parties!!


9 years ago today Brandon asked me to "go out" with him, and I said YES!

So I ventured off campus today for the first time to get a few supplies ( tools!!) with my new Winston-Salem tour guide: 
Tools are expensive!! And I didn't even get the expensive screw driver machine thingy. 

Smurfs Screening:

I was very excited excited, mainly because I am very proud of Dean Kerner for his involvement in Smurfs. Now, it's not my type of movie but if I had kids, I would be at opening night because it was a great kids movie! We watched it with another school (elementary) and the energy in the theatre was amazing. These little guys were so excited which made me very excited. I'm not going to rip apart the movie, because if it's not your type of movie, just don't watch it. And since I was required to go, I kept an open mind. All in all, take your kids!! Tell them about your experiences watching the cartoons and tell them the history of Peyo and how he's a legend in Belgium. They have signed on for part 2 and 3, so look out for it! :)

My own real life surf!!!! 

and smurf hybrid. 

I decided tonight was the night I'd get out there and find a party. I had a great night and met great people! It was the typical college house party, such interesting people!

Saturday was a very chill and relax day. Had one workshop with the Smurf creators and then the screening of A Clockwork Orange. Stanley Kubrick is such an interesting filmmaker. It's such a fun thought that the same man who directed Eye's Wide shut in the 90s also directed films of the early 50s. I'm inspired to have a Kubrick marathon where I will finally see Space Oddyssey. Okay ladies & gents, sending you love and kisses. Until tomorrow!! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992)

There we have it ladies and gentlemen. My 15 hour day. And I have to admit, I am not as sleepy as I thought I would be. Just in pain from my HEAVY ASS BOOK BAG! Geez! I would pay so much money right now for a massage. 

I have an hour and 1/2 break in the morning between SSC & Art Hist. And I found this cool little hallway with a cool little desk that I can put my cool stuff on....In my own little corner in my own little chair....

Have you ever been interested in Noah's Arc? I remember in children's church when I found out that the dimensions of the arc were in the Bible, I decided I would build it one day. Well, I don't have to. Kentucky is doing it for me at the Creation Museum. 2014, you better believe I will encounter the arc at the Arc Encounter Exhibit.


The school is offering R.A.D. this semester (Rape Aggression Defense) I'm really excited about it, I feel like I'm training to be a ninja. :)

Boy, they are really excited about The Smurfs Movie. The screening is tomorrow with our choice of 3D or 2D. Haven't really decided yet. 

American Cinema was pretty cool tonight. Screened a couple of Documentaries about the earliest moving pictures. Someone Edweard Muybridge, Eddison, & Lumiere. For those unsure follow link below

Directing class was fun. We had an assignment over orientation that has been making me anxious. Write a story on one page being visually descriptive. That's what I remember from the directions but apparently there was an entire paragraph describing the assignment. I wasn't sure if I followed correctly, but my paper was received well. I'll post it at the end for you.

Here is most of the first years in American Cinema

Here's a video with an interesting fact. 

Heres The Directing Paper:

Christene Hurley
FIM 1201-3
He carefully placed the bundled baby in her arms, forcing her to hold him in a very specific way.  His arms hairy and muscular, he guided her left palm under the baby’s tiny head, and her right arm crossing over and securing his back. His tiny eyes squinted snapping a picture with a shutter of his eyelashes. So she swept her palm over his face and to the million little jet black curls that enveloped his crown. His little nostrils flared and caved rhythmically and she imagined his lungs filling up with air and collapsing.  She looked at his swollen belly and cupped it with her hand carefully avoiding his exposed belly button. He pursed and licked his lips and made a suckling noise like a little mouse.  
He felt so natural in her arms. As if he were painted as a part of her chest. She could feel her own blood pumping through his translucent veins but somehow remained unfamiliar.  She was holding her nephew. And holding onto a voice inside reminding her she will never have a child of her own. 
Barren, infertile and sterile; words she used daily in her head. Sometimes even the first words that come out in the morning, and when it did she imagined her mind like a hamster on a wheel going nowhere really fast. She concluded that suffering is as much a part of life as happiness. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Sleeping Beauty (2011)

Homework for Self, Society & Cosmos: Read The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Created by the United General Assembly in 'ol Paris (you have to say like PerrY) on Dec 10, 1948.
I came across Article 16 which states:

I'm noticing that nowhere in this Articles does it say that a man and woman joined in marriage...

  • (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution.
  • (2) Marriage shall be entered into only with the free and full consent of the intending spouses.
  • (3) The family is the natural and fundamental group unit of society and is entitled to protection by society and the State. 

  • I'm noticing that nowhere in this Articles does it say that a 'man and woman joined in marriage...' Hmm..
Now onto Art History homework. Have you ever stood in from of a piece of art and wondered "what am I suppose to be thinking?" That is the wrong way to go about looking at art. Try these steps the next time you are faced with a painting or sculpture or photograph. I will. 

1. Identify the artist's decision and choices. 
2. Ask questions and be curious. 
3. Describe the object.
4. Question your assumptions
5. Avoid an emotional response.
6. Don't oversimplify or misrepresent the art object
7. Tolerate uncertainty. 

I was having trouble with number 5. Avoid an emotional response, because I am a very emotional person. And I want to react emotionally to art. But art is suppose to stir up feelings. I'm having a hard time understanding the difference between feelings and emotions. 
And if you click on the link below you will see that Authors, Doctors, Professors and columnists have very different definitions of both. 

I've added a few things to my bucket list. To see a Yayoi Kusama Exhibit. And when I die I want Kane Kwei to make my coffin. Oh. And I want a kimono.

Screenwriting class was great followed by Producing. Got to see a lot of student films today and loved it. But I'm going to switch to video blog for a sec.

PS. Meet Harry & Joseph.

<3 <3 <3

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

(500) Days of Summer (2009)

Hey hey guys!! Well, today was the end of a wonderful summer. And instead of slowly stepping into the ice cold ocean I belly flopped in with a 13 hour day.

[correction to an earlier video blog:] The class is Self, Society and Cosmos. Required text being that of Plato, Machiavelli, Buddha, and lonesco. I'm really excited about this class if no other reason than my professor admitted to graduating a year late due to the release of the game Zelda on the wii. My kind of woman, and John will appreciate that. One of my fav fellow film mates, Jubilate, is in there with me. 
I spent my hour 1/2 break figuring out where to submit my apartment inspection form (you've all seen the pic of my trail to academics, right?) No?

(1) On the way to S, S &C; (2) On the way to Apartment office; (3) on the way to Art History; (4) on the way to lunch; and (4.5) to do the famous Baby in Dirty Dancing pose. 

Art History will be.... well, like every Art History I've taken. But I do love the professor. (Did she have a British accent? Hmmm, maybe not)

Oooh! Wait! Let's back track a bit to yesterday. To when I met my film advisor. i.love.her. <3 (To be honest I don't really dislike anyone yet, except for the a holes who like to provide commentary throughout the Edweard Muybridge & Lumiere presentation.) Yeah. I don't like you. 

Anywho, .....film advisor. Scroll down to Lauren Vilchik and tell me she's not a bad ass. http://www.uncsa.edu/filmmaking/facultyproducing.htm

That is where I met my buddy, Bogie. Bogie is my one and only FCP7 Guru. (Final Cut Pro 7) After meeting me for 5 minutes in a very (500) Days of Summer ending, he invited me back to his room for a FCP tutorial. I'll be honest, I probably learned more in there than I will this semester in Editing. Mainly because my professor uses Avid. SHE HAS THE BRITISH ACCENT!!
Well, Bogie, I owe you a million for many reasons.

Fast forward to my very boring evening watching Kadosh (1999) Director Amos Gitai; The Reef (2010); and The Hole (2001). Thumbs down to all 3. And thumbs down to the bottle of Merlot that didn't make it any better.

Which brings me back to today. My first day. I'll take a double Bombay; and a bite of a milky way. :)

Once I found my editing class I got settled in my chair and turned my cell phone off. The walls start shaking and the film screen starts rippling. Everyone takes a second to give it some thought. "Are we on any plate tectonics? This is the East Coast. I'm calling Mama." I'll be honest, I called mom too. After I fb'd about it, duh.
Editing is going to be great, useful but difficult.  I never said this was going to be easy. Actually I think my words were "This is going to be the most #@$&^%$#@ hardest thing in my life.

Let's head to Crawford Hall now for Convocation. (Chancellor & new staff meet/greet)
Actually let's not. Instead I sat at the pickle jar with Joseph. Officially my fav person at this school and fortunately in my film section (3). I really wish I had something to put here, maybe tomorrow. After snatching some free Convocation food and rushing back to the film school with Harry (more on Harry some other day), we found Production Design & Animation in the main Hall. 7-9pm. This is my fav class so far:

materials list:
work gloves
utility knife and blades (to be kept in)
tool bag
screw gun
dust mask
safety glasses
tape measure
work boots

Not to mention that one of the professors is a cross between Woody Allen and Dustin Hoffman in Rain Man. I love it!! ( He is NOT British).

By now I've got ants in my pants, I'm hungry, I have about 5 assignments I'm working on in my head, I'm tired and have to tinkle.

I look like death so no video today but I will have one tomorrow. Hopefully introducing you to some very interesting people.

Ooh! PS.


Sunday, August 21, 2011

Any Given Sunday (1999)

Happy Sunday Brunches, churches, calling momma, and cleaning!! Woke up to a very sweet email today saying stuff too mushy to post here. (I'll give you a hint, the words 'beautiful', 'amazing', and 'moist' were used.) 

I started a little job today that I need to get done before classes start. Kids summer camp from CFRT. They did Into The Woods this summer and it was SO CUTE!! Don't' miss your chance to celebrate their 50th anniversary this year. In Fayetteville, NC.  www.cfrt.org

I never gave the idea of bottled water much thought other than it's clean water to drink. But after this documentary, I'm a little annoyed. Tapped (2009) http://www.tappedthemovie.com/  It's on Netflix instant watch for those who have it. And It will just bring a little prospective on something that's a part of our daily lives. But for the people who live in Fryeburg, Maine it's a daily nightmare. 
Surface water (oceans, ponds and rivers) are held as public trust. Ground water falls under a different set of rules depending on the state. 75% of the Earth's surface is water, 1% is drinkable. 
Maine operates under absolute dominion [He who has the biggest pump gets to take the most water]. The people of Fryeburg feel duped and taken advantage of because their fresh water supply is getting drained daily by Nestle. Nestle did their extensive research and have a permit, but never notified the town about their plans. 

That is why I drink...

Voss Norwegian Water (2001). "Founded in 2008 with support from Voss, the Voss Foundation is dedicated to providing access to pure, clean drinking water to sub-Saharan African communities. The Voss Foundation’s primary targets are women and children with special focus on adolescent girls." 
I'll be honest, I didn't know any of this before I started drinking it. I just liked the bottle. Which by the way was designed by the creative director of Calvin Klein. So what. I'm a sucker for good advertisement. 

OOH!! I get to have to work crew for upper classmen films. And I found this cool website with their scripts. It's like shopping!! http://faculty.uncsa.edu/film/prod_post/Production/fa11_yr4.html  I hope I'm allowed to post that. I don't see why I wouldn't be able to. But just in case, tell me to pull it down if I have to! Anywhoslebeez, I have to work 36 hours a semester but I get to pick which films (I think), but not exactly what I get to do. Because I'm the coffee fetcher/toilet scrubber/snot wiper my first year. YAY!! I can't WAIT!!!!! :D

So today's spotlight goes to my campus tour bud, David Zaldivar. First year drama, from Miami, FL. Of Cuban and Nicaraguan decent. David, you should know that underneath that actor is a filmmaker. I have a plethora of films to watch now because of our encounter. Thanks. 

Technically classes start tomorrow but since I'm such a badass I get to sleep in, pick up some packages, and meet my film advisor. Once my classes start on Tuesday..I'll be making this hike twice a day/twice a week. "/

Pass that building on the left, cross the street, walk up a hill and into the academics building. FML! I better have buns of IRON by Christmas.

I saw three films today. Tapped (2009) the documentary. Antichrist (2009) Director Lars von Trier. By far the most disturbing film I have ever watched but in one day was recommended by two separate people. I still have not formed my opinion of it because I am still recovering. This film is NOT for the faint of heart. Mom, please don't see this film (not that you ever would based on the title alone, but in case you thought this was a more informative film). 

Then tonight I saw The Red Violin (1998).  This was screened for the first year students that are taking a composition class, but I thought "Hey, what else is there to do on a Sunday night for this film student?" Director Francois Gerard. One thing I absolutely loved about this film is that it's told in 'frame story' where an introductory main story is told followed by a series of short stories, each of which telling a story within a story. Make sense? Yeah, I didn't think so. But see Four Rooms (1995) as an example, or How to Make an American Quilt (1995), or The Joy Luck Club (1993). One of my favorite styles of film! Anywho here's the link for the trailer. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhqgV4flGdE  OOH! And I just found out it's based on a true story! (Thanks, Brian)

btw. Meet Brian Sloyer. 

Also first year film, cinematographer. Introduced me to parkour, (or pk) is a method to overcome obstacles with speed, efficiency, and agility. Originally developed in France, the main purpose of the discipline is to teach participants how to adapt their movements to their environment by vaulting, rolling, running, climbing and jumping."

Pretty damn cool, right?

Saturday, August 20, 2011

August Rush (2007)

The time has come (the walrus said) to say goodbye for 45 days. 

Saying goodbye always feels too short and too long. We found ourselves just standing face to face without saying anything, not even really engaging in the conversations around us. Even when he walked away I kept a hand on him. WHAT IS THAT!? 
We already said everything we always say... "l'll email everyday" "I miss you already" "Don't forget to pay the bills." "Lub lub lub lub lub" (From Bruce Almighty)

Timing couldn't be more perfect. I need to get crackalackin on school. 

I left the pier, got in my car. Forced myself not to cry (because it won't change anything).  And drove 3 hours to school listening to the entire In the Heights album. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VdVN1CPU-84  Don't even get me started!!

So. I brought another car load of stuff back with me (TV, DVD player, iron board, broom, cork board, and a few other things) Did I mention I lived on the third floor? Yeah. My first trip wasn't so bad with B's help. We passed each other in between loads and just glared at each other through  the sweat. Once we were done bringing it all up we chugged an entire bottle of water and showered. Yeah..that's not as much fun alone.

I took some time today to start on a few homework assignments.

What is cinematography? various resources say the same thing-  the art or technique (or science) of motion-picture photography. Or making motion-pictures. Related to the art of still photography.

I think it's fair to say that most people are interested in the actors and plot when going into a movie, but come out appreciating the cinematography. For people who've never been outside of the US, how else can they see Paris or the bottom of the Dead sea? It's in a photograph or a film. So the cinematographer is very important in the film process. Elaborate on that, and there's my first assignment for Cinematography class. :) For directing I need to write a one page story. On anything. So I've been thinking of a few ideas. Actually I already wrote a story, but I hate it now. (A feeling I better get use to). 

I had dinner with a few D&P boys, very funny. Then bumped into a dear friend. Caught up a little and went on my journey to my first Film School Screening....




Wait for it...


Pretty Epic, right? Eh. A little. Last of The Mohicans (1992) Director- Michael Mann Based the film NOT on the original 1826 novel by James Fenimore Cooper but rather based on the 1936 screenplay by Philip Dunne. Mann didn't even read the novel stating that the 1936 screenplay was just perfect. 
It was filmed on the Biltmore property. (the woods, obviously)

Shout outs to Brandon Whited, Tammy, Justin and Lindsay for keeping me company on my journey back to school!! Love you guys way too much!! 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Meet The Fockers (2004)

Hello! So the time has come to fly solo. With a million things to do in our apartment in Wilmington, Brandon had to leave. He packed my bag and made me a latte and sent me out the door like it was my first day of kindergarten. 

Looking forward to meeting the entire body of the film school, I walked across campus fighting back tears. (Yeah, so I cry a lot. What of it?) I swiped my One card and entered the Main Theatre and felt really good. I've gradually started meeting people on my own.. but of course they ask me about Brandon. Which I don't mind at all. This meeting was another introduction of the faculty, staff and SGA. It's impressive hearing all the accomplishments that come out of this school. 

Meet the Dean of the Film school: http://www.uncsa.edu/filmmaking/dean.htm

Jordan Kerner shared a passage from an article he read that really spoke to me. It was simply about thinking. Read this and tell me what you think. 

Next week we are attending a screening of the movie The Smurfs (2011), mainly because most 3rd and 4th year students shadowed the movie during pre/post production last year. And our Dean, Kerner worked as one of the producers on the film. 

After this meeting we attended a curriculum overview where the professors broke down exactly what we will be doing this year. I'm still most excited about American Cinema. A four hour class once a week where we will watch films with the entire Year 1 students. This semester we are focusing mainly on The Silent Film Era (1894-1929). Then next semester we will go into the Golden Years... which may be my fav. In Editing class we are also studying (and editing) silent films. In my directing class we already have an assignment to write a page scene. That is it. That is the assignment. It is MUCH harder than you think... 

I have a confession:


Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What's Eating Gilbert Grape (1993)

Today was much better than yesterday. Granted, I didn't wake up alone. These situations really test your strength. I consider myself an optimist and someone who doesn't give up. But boy was I close to jumping in my car and driving 3 hours [home] yesterday. 

I had a nutrition meeting this morning at the butt-crack of dawn. What I learned: Carbs are your friend. You can (and probably will) die of meningitis. Therapists are free here (YAY!). Skipping meals won't make you lose weight (lies.) All in all, I'm pretty pumped about the opportunities here with the resources and fitness center. 

I ate at the caf for the first time and really liked it. There's a whole vegetarian buffet. (I'm no longer a vegetarian, but I do still like eating like one from time to time). I ate nothing but carbs after the nutrition orientation but I didn't know napkins qualify in the 'plate chart'. 

And he calls himself a nutritionist... FYI for those of you that didn't know, the food guide pyramid has become a plate! For more info visit: http://www.choosemyplate.gov/  

So I pimped my back windshield ( The two apples are me and B, when we have new additions we'll add little apples) 

And not to mention... but I guess I'm mentioning it... Bran fixed my headlight! (That sounds dirty :)

 SO I bet you're wondering when we are going to start chatting about film. Well, I don't actually start classes until next Tuesday with the first class being Fundamentals of Picture Editing followed with Fundamentals of Production Design & Animation. So the educated chats won't come until then, but in the mean time. I can tell you about my favorite movies. Something I'm learning you can use to tell a lot about a person. 

This is a very hard question and will probably change weekly with my American Cinema class. But as of right now. My favorite movie is Four Rooms (1995) Written and Directed by Allison Anders ( The Missing Ingredient), Alexandre Rockwell (The wrong Man), Robert Rodriguez (The Misbehavers) and Quentin Tarantino (The Man from Hollywood). The movie is broken up into 4 chapters, hence the title. All taking place in one night at a hotel on New Years Eve. Watch the trailer below and notice some very popular actors...

So, my partner in crime leaves me tomorrow and I don't know what to do with myself. I can't imagine my videos being anywhere near as entertaining.....you'll see why in the video below. Have a wonderful night. 

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

One Fine Day (1996)

Today was day one and what a fine day it was. Like most of my 'special occasion days' where Murphy's Law plays a major role, today was no different. The 5 am morning wake up was followed by loading the last bit of stuff into each cars, making triple shot lattes, and using the potty. 15 seconds into our 3 hour road trip we realize my headlight is out. Not to mention that Brandon's (hubby of 5 years) registration and inspection have expired and he has lost his wallet with his driver's license. Needless to say, we continued on our journey where I was accompanied by most of my bffs, Ke$ha, Brit, Ingrid & Frou x2. It surely made the time go by a lot faster.

Anxious, nervous, a little depressed, and a little over whelmed. We pull into the campus with big block letters spelling UNCSA. Balloons, streamers and signs welcoming all students can't seem to pull me out of my funk. We park and walk to the film lot. I am relieved when I am told I have no holds on my account. cause, "Daddy paid da bill." I am seeing familiar faces, but nothing is comforting me except the sweaty hand holding mine...maybe it was my hand that was sweaty. Driving to my apartment was when I finally let it out and cried. Did I make a terrible mistake? Am I going to be able to do this? Is it too late to turn back? Brandon had nothing but kind supportive words to offer. But the tears just kept rolling well into unloading the cars and hiking that shit 3 floors high...

"Grin and bare it." "There is always as silver lining." "I can do all things through"... blah blah blah 

:D I finally get to my film orientation where I meet the heads of each department. I'm finally reminded why I am here. But lord knows it would be easier with Brandon beside me. But we are not looking for easier are we? For today at least I will think of today and tomorrow I will think of tomorrow. So...until tomorrow!