Thursday, September 29, 2011

Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010)

Boy this week has been crazy. I've been preparing for midterms, my trip to CA, Brandon coming home and my 3 minute directing assignment. I love working under pressure, but I wish I could stop time sometimes. I'm finding studying for the midterms fairly easy since I've read all of the reading assignments but I still worry. It will be interesting to try to find time this weekend in CA to study for the midterms, because during the Film Festival, it completely consumes me ( in a good way). By this time tomorrow I will be in San Diego!!

I started getting tutored in Final Cut Pro and this is what a project on Final Cut Pro looks like. We are currently playing around with a scene from an episode of The Ghost Whisperer. It is a lot of fun and gives you SO much control on editing your projects. I can't wait to learn more about sound and effects. 

On Saturday I gave some parent tours for Family Weekend. One of the stages we visited was the ADR/Foley Stage. It was my favorite during my interview and it seems to be a parent favorite. I can't wait to spend some time in here.

We are all required to work in the Art Department for upperclass films during the semester, here are a few of my pals working on Children Of Wax, a 4th year film. 


In Production Design last week our assignment was to build a model of our childhood home using foam core board. This is Austin holding a few of ours.

And Burton Wrencher showing us examples of what to do.

Planking & Owling  That link gives some information to this new fad. Well, not really new, but new to me. I think it is hilarious and I'm so fascinated with creating interesting planking situations. So stay tuned for some very weird photos to come. :)

The following link is my friend's :30 assignment. It is by far the funnest I've participated in. 

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Boogie Nights (1997)

Shout out to my buddy, Tyler, who is awesome and thoughtful!!

I got to talk to Brandon on the phone today! He recently sunburned his face really bad and I got to see pics. He looked so pitiful! :( But he's okay now and handsome as ever!!

This is a great article my friend shared with me. If you find yourself defending film makers such as Kubrick or Bergman or any film maker that doesn't follow a specific guideline as to how a 'proper' story is portrayed; this article will help verbalize why it's important to let anyone use whatever medium to tell a story in any way they want. We wouldn't have some of the masterpieces we have if we didn't. 

Have you ever had one of those nights where you want to do something but can't figure out what. There are a few things going on but you can't decide what you want to do? Last night was one of those nights. After my required screenings I wanted to do something fun. But I didn't want to party hard. Some friends and I wanted some wine but we didn't have a wine opener. So after trudging around campus trying to find one, my girlfriends trailed off in their own directions engaging in different parties. I found a wine opener and took a completely different group of buds back to my place where we played Uno and watched some really artsy films about eggs and body parts. It ended up being a great a time.

In less than a week I will be in San Diego with my BFF Jen Petrini!! This is by far my favorite week of the year (along with the week between Christmas & New Years)

Just before the required screening some of my girlfriends and I went downtown for a very Sex in the City style dinner where the most interesting dog, Dhalia walked by. She was so beautiful. 

Then we screened what is now my favorite silent film EVER. "IT"(1927) (no, not the killer clown) Although, I thought that was what we were going to watch. This is so much better! Clara Bow is the cutest thing since puppies!!

Tonight was one of the funnest and most interesting nights after almost being one of the most terrible. Here is my buddy, Camilo, (and Kaelie) making me laugh so hard it hurts...

We danced, we laughed, we backed it up. All in a day. 

I leave you with one of my favorite poems, Still I Rise, by Maya Angelou. I read this when I feel like I've given someone or something power over me. No matter how crumby I feel, if I'm breathing at the end of the day...then it couldn't have been the worst day. 

“Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou

You may write me down in history With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt But still, like dust, I'll rise.

Does my sassiness upset you? Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns, With the certainty of tides, 
Just like hopes springing high, Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? 
Shoulders falling down like teardrops. Weakened by my soulful cries.

Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I've got gold mines Diggin' in my own back yard.

You may shoot me with your words, You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness, But still, like air, I'll rise.

Does my sexiness upset you? Does it come as a surprise 
That I dance like I've got diamonds At the meeting of my thighs?

Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise Up from a past that's rooted in pain I rise

I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide, 
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. 
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear I rise 
Bringing the gifts that my ancestors gave, 
I am the dream and the hope of the slave. 
I rise 
I rise
I rise. 

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Taxi Driver (1976)

In a week, not only will I be on West Coast talking films & parties with some of my fav people, but Brandon will be home!!! My partner in crime!!

I finished Taxi Driver (1976) directed by Martin Scorsese, Cinematography by Professor Michael Chapman. I'm still coming into my own skin in being able to describe what I feel about films... 
I waited until after I saw the movie to read about it. And if you haven't seen it, and possibly don't know anything about it, just watch it. Then read about it if you are interested. 
Recently I was made aware of the effect that rain or wetness causes on streets at night. The street lights reflect off the ground causing a really interesting effect. You can really see this in the night shots of Robert driving around in the taxi. If you've seen it, an interesting fact is that the passenger that makes him sit in front of a window while he watches his wife, is a cameo by director Martin Scorsese. It was WEIRD seeing Jodi Foster in this role because a movie I love, Freaky Friday (1976) was filmed the same year Taxi Driver was filmed.  In one she plays a 12 year old hooker and in the other she plays a middle schooler who switches bodies with her mother. Sound familiar? 

This poem rings near and dear right now:

“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sounds the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

I have promises to keep. Homework, crewing, filming at CFRT, and San Diego Film Festival in the next week. COME HOME BRANDON I NEED YOU! I never seem to feel so stressed when he's around. 

(I added music to the following shorts.)

This is my friend, Jennifer Gray's :30 second video. She is going to make an amazing Director.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Scenes From A Marriage (1973)

Let's see, movies I've recently watched? Ooh! Ingmar Bergman's Scenes From A Marriage (1973). This is the first Ingmar Bergman film I've seen (that I know of) *gasps and sneers from film students* I know, I know! I've overwhelmed my Netflix Queue with more. The movie is in Swedish which I LOVE! I should know Swedish by now. After watching Niels Arden Oplev's trilogy of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2009) I was quoting Lisbeth as best as I could.

Well SFAM kind of hit home since the couple has been married for 10 years and Brandon and I are coming up on our 10 year anniversary. I can't remember where I read it, (maybe IMDB) but these series (it was a tv series before it was compiled into a movie) sparked a 50% increase in divorce in Sweden. This movie didn't make me want to leave Bran, it made me want to grab and hug him! And just be grateful that he's such an awesome guy. And thank him for never beating me. :)

I just started Taxi Driver (1976), Robert DeNiro is so young!! The Cinematographer on Taxi Driver is a Professor here, Michael Chapman. This man is a BEAST! He was the DP (Director of Photography) on Michael Jackson's Music Video 'Bad.' Raging Bull (1980); The Lost Boys (1987); Scrooged (1988); Kindergarden Cop (1990); and most recent Bridge to Terabithia (2007). I'm constantly impressed by these professors.

Why yes, I am an empath. And Reading about it helps me understand a lot about myself. Why I really do not like the company of negative and pessimistic people. Why I would rather talk about ANYTHING but other people in a negative way. Why I can't relate to those who spend a majority of their time criticizing everyone else and sharing the information they happen to have about them. Some people call it gossip or bad mouthing. I hate that I can't just excuse myself or just tell them to stop. In most cases I'm kind of stuck there out of obligations. I should be more assertive. And just say how I feel, doesn't matter who they are to me. That's one reason Brandon and I get along so well, we just don't care about those kinds of things, and we also don't sit around talking about other people, we talk about ourselves. We're narcissists like that.

Read this article if you think you are an empath or if you don't know what it is....


In editing we had an assignment to make a stop motion project. It's due tomorrow and I wish I would have added music to this, so I will very soon. In the meantime, enjoy!

Then in directing we were assigned a :30. A process: losing something then finding it. Here is my project: Again, I am not very good at attaching music quite yet. Plus I'm working on creating my own music which is MUCH harder than it sounds. Here is my :30 (Carol & Matt are such great sports!)

I have been trying to upload this video for you. This was a movie some of my buds filmed around 2 am a few weeks ago. Milk (2011) Directed by Jack Bensinger, Written by Harry Rossi & Jake Kath.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Night at the Roxbury (1998)

Hello friends! So I have finally caught up on sleep (10 hours last night) after a pretty eventful weekend. But it's not over yet!

After passing the safety exam yesterday, I decided to jump on crew for the first film I could and that just so happened to be my buddy's film, Memoirs. Director/Writer- Ian McClerin, Writer/Producer-Joey Poach. Tomorrow is the last day of filming and last night they filmed a big party scene at Bob Gosse's house. (Refer to my "The Producers (1968)" blog for info on him). I didn't actually 'crew' I was an extra for the party because I didn't sign up in time to crew. Either way it was a BLAST and a 1/2.

As you'll see below we danced so long and so hard we broke the floor. As fun as the night was, we felt pretty bad because Gosse is the man for letting them film at his house.

It's homework time, followed by college quidditch. It's real, look it up:

16 days until my honey is home!!!! I can't wait!!


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Drive (2011)

Today was our first day on Sound Stage 4 to practice using equipment. We had a quiz to identify all of the equipment and next week is the hands on quiz. I'm slowly getting over failing the safety exam considering I take it again tomorrow. You win some, you lose some. Does that apply here? This is Ben, my hat buddy all around fun guy. 

Below Prof. Elkins is demonstrating how to properly handle the light equipment.  He's such an awesome professor. I'd consider cinematography if I didn't use so many 4-letter words when trying to assemble a 650 W Tweenie II on a Beefy Baby Triple Riser when the barn doors are slamming my fingers. Followed with assembling a flag in a grip head facing the right direction over the c-stand with a sandbag over the correct leg. Lastly, the proper way to coil a stinger. Which is what next week's quiz is on. Whew.

It's actually loads of fun as you will see below.


Tonight a bunch of us went to see Drive (2011) directed by up & coming director, Nicolas Winding Refn.  It was such an awesome film!  The whole time I was watching I kept thinking Nicolas knows a secret that we all are not aware of, 90s music is coming back! 
I have seen Ron Pearlman in more movies here in 4 weeks than my whole life. (Not that he's some A-lister).  This is a must see, and if you like Refn's style, watch Bronson (2008) on Netflix instant watch which is also's his. 

You know you're a film student if you clap after any film and stay through the credits. 

I seriously considered stealing this poster...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008)

In editing class! (Actually having fun because I'm understanding FCP!) We imported clips of the Ghost Whisperer (don't ask my why) and played around with different editing tools. We have an assignment for next week to make a stop motion film. STOP MOTION! How fun!! Time to bust out the crafts box and get creative. 
HI! Chris, Carol, Jack & Joseph!

In art history we were given the assignment to find a way (with chalk) to explain what we have covered thus far. We decided to make a time line with all of the key works we have covered. That's my bull jumping sketch! Dad would be so proud. 

Then I rushed over to Daniel's Plaza where I got to snuggle and cuddle little puppies!! (Don't tell Peanut.)
I forgot this guy's name but he was sooo sweet! Brandon would have DIED! He would have just died. 

We screened The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) directed by David Fincher in Prod Design. Some of my fav Fincher films: Se7en, Fight Club, & The Social Network. I forget how much I like that movie. Cate Blanchet is so freaking beautiful! There are a lot of themes I love in this movie, the main one being 'backwards'. With the creation of the clock that runs backwards, then there is a hummingbird in a couple of shots (hummingbirds are the only birds that can fly backwards) and then I read something on IMDB that a hurricane spins counter clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere.... 
Since I've been in school I acquired this habit to stay through the credits, mainly as a sign of respect and also to get familiar with the different jobs for the crew. The credits for BB run as a slide show instead of an upward scroll, (something Stanley Kubrick also does) I didn't like that very much. 

In producing class tonight we screened a Swedish film, Show Me Love (1998). I was in the 8th grade, and this movie is about 14 year old girls so I can relate to the time. However this movie is about a coming of age/coming out story. It was really good, I really enjoyed it with the exception of the camera handler cinematographic choices. I have to say, I haven't seen many Swedish films, but the ones I have seen, I have enjoyed. 

Cupcake from dinner, it made me happy. 

I've been pretty tired when I get back to my room so I haven't video blogged but I will soon. :) Now I'm going to start watching Magnolia (1999) directed by Paul Thomas Anderson whose also done: Boogie Nights and There Will Be Blood. It's my bud, Joseph's fav so I'm curious. (like the case of Benjamin Button) Jajajajajajajajjajajajajaj

Good night!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Biutiful (2010)

Today I finished editing my :20, starred in Jake's :20 and crewed on Jake B.'s :20; not to mention I finished my 3 page screenplay!  :D All in a day
Although all I seem to do is eat and read, eat and read, oh and watch movies. Don't get me wrong, I love watching them and I gain SO much inspiration, but my butt hurts! And I'm getting numbing sensations where no one should get numbing sensations!! 

In 22 Days my honey bunny will be here! I think he is coming to school first to hang with me then we are going home for my Fall break to smuggle our baby, peanut! Our little family reunited again!! He has so many people to meet! And he can stop worrying about me being anti-social. I think I'm going to drag him to my classes. He can take notes for me!!

After bfast, and trip to wellness, and some studying, I found myself under a dumpster playing a dead body in a short

Then some more food and some more studying (finishing my :20 which you will see below) and helping my bud, Jake with his :20. This time we recruited some drama kids:

Then me and a few film kids hunted down a DVD player to watch Biutiful. I love Javier Bardem, so I send the intention of this blog to him. He definitely deserved a nomination for his role. This character was full of layer after layer.  This movie was so depressing but Alejandro Gonzalez Inaritu did some amazing things with effects and mirror reflections. And I knew watching an Inaritu film that I was in for an emotional ride and that I had to pay attention because he has a rocky relationship with chronology. It is such an interesting movie. Ending biutifully. 

This is Carol Housel-Kenney's first :20 for Directing. This was tons of fun and Matt was a GREAT sport!

Only in film school, and only for these people I love so much would I sit through something as agonizing as The Room (2003). Written by, Directed by, and starring Tommy Wiseau. This is the only person I think I will punch in the face if I ever meet him. Just take a look: (And yes, those are plastic spoons in our hands ready to throw at the screen.) 

Oh! And this is Harry with the man I want to punch in the face. 

Tomorrow I hope I have time to run to Daniel's plaza to play with puppies from a shelter, apparently they do this a few times a month and it's at noon but I get out of class at 1. grr... But in Production Design and Animation we are screening Benjamin Button (which I've seen, but really like!) I think I'll bring a blanket and sit on the floor because my hiney can't take 3 more hours in a chair. Do massage therapist massage back sides, or is that something my hubby should do?

I'm giving blood Wed!! yay me for doing something good! Take my blood, I can make more!! (ooh, that reminds me I need to watch the finale for True Blood.) Okay, here you go:

My first assignment for Directing class. A :20 short showing a change in emotion, one shot. :)

Saturday, September 10, 2011

X-Men: First Class (2011)

A Beautiful blend of Film & D&P patiently waiting for the projection of Cirque du Soleil's La Nouba. Brandon & I saw this live in Orlando on our honeymoon and LOVED it. It's not the same on DVD (which we own) but it's pretty awesome projected off of the student commons building.  

Austin & Alex & I waiting for A Fool There Was (1915)

During this screening Brandon called! He's doing well, but ready to come home! 24 days and he will be snuggling up beside me!! I wish I didn't have class or I would stay in bed for an entire day with him! He will just have to settle with keeping me company in my classes. He's got to learn this stuff too if we are going to start our Production Company "Dragon Ball Zeeeeeeeee." 

Camilo & Eric.... something about an owl.... 

We finally had our First Cinematography class! Meet David Elkins!

Professor Elkins has such a great resume and a great attitude. He took our picture to remember our names easier, so I thought it fit to take his. :) I LOVE that Professor Elkins is wasting no time and jumping right into the assignments. We have a quiz next week on a bunch of camera equipment. This class is going to be great! I'll forgive myself for failing the safety exam if I pass this class with 110%. Deal. 

A memory can be trained and developed; no one should seek to justify careless viewing and annotation by claiming a "bad memory." I read this quote while reading my editing assignment and it felt like a slap in the face because that is exactly what I do. Excuse careless viewing to a bad memory. It's hard to retain so much info after not having to for years. It's just a matter of training my brain.

Today is my Dad's birthday!!! Happy Birthday Dad!

I spent all morning doing homework feeling really boring. So I went to lunch and met with my girl, Carol and her hubby. We decided to start our Directing assignment. Filming a :20 scene where there's a mood change. Once I finish mine I'll put it up. I shot it with Carol's Cannon T2I.

Below is Carol shooting her second assignment for the class, "Something Lost."

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Failure to Launch (2006)

!@#$%^&*(_+)!!!!! I failed the Safety Exam!!! The Handbook I printed over the summer, took to the beach to study, carried around for the last 2 weeks, and read entirely through in the last 2 days. We took the exam Tuesday night and I felt good going in, and coming out (no dirty jokes). I received the infamous email this morning telling me I received a 78% (80% being passing). I was FLABBERGASTED! I still am. I don't understand it. Because of failing (ooo I hate that word) I have to sit in on a review session next Saturday from 9am-12. Then wait another week before taking the test again. This is agonizing!! I'm so disappointed in myself I can't stand it, there is no excuse. The guide (and test) are very self explanatory so I just don't get it.

On a better note, as I was doing my directing homework the author gave a short scene then asked how I would set the cameras up. I drew a little diagram of how I'd do it and it was EXACTLY as the author did! Hmm...

My Directing class is going to be the death of me. Not for the course work load, but the lack there of. I have never been presented with an assignment so unorganized that could be the most exciting assignment so far. I could go on and on about how I think I need a Valium before this class, but I'm hoping my attitude changes and I won't have to make a comment like that.

Yoga. I had my first yoga class this morning and it was nice. It was not challenging but I needed to be forced to breathe slowly. I got to Skype Brandon for a little today but we kept losing signal and I wanted to pull my hair out! That should have gone sooo different.

This is what I call my serenity swing. I played on it while waiting for Brandon to call and it helped calm me down. It was nice feeling like a kid for a while. 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Producers (1968)

Bob Gosse, Professor for Funds of Producing, you may know him as the Director of I Hope They Serve Beer In Hell

It is true that you don't need drugs or alcohol to feel the best highs. I just got out of my Fundamentals of Producing and I'm full of so many emotions I want to bust! We had an assignment for tonight where we had to pitch an idea for a 5 minute film. No limits really, just to be realistically filmed on campus as our first year film. Well, the options are endless! Where do you start? Thanks to my trusty writing-down-ideas-as-I-get-them habit I had an idea for a pitch that I was not too excited about. So much so, that as students were practicing on each other today, I was too scared to practice mine. So I anxiously waited until that horrid moment when Bob Gosse would chose me to go next. There we are sitting in class learning about archetypes and listening to a beautiful lecture about plot breakdowns when we finally get our 10 minute break. I eat a cookie and make the decision to go first. Get it over with. Be the guinea pig. Be the one everyone else compares themselves to first. Well, I don't actually go first, I get picked second to last.
I walk to the center of the theatre and standing I cross one leg over the other like I normally do when being talked to by authority figures. Or when I'm trying to hide the hideous scar on my leg. Every eye is on me, but they're compassionate. Like they are thinking the same exact thing. I start. I pitch. I end. Applause. :D
That's my face.
One hand raises, then another, then another. I couldn't tell if they hated it or liked it or were indifferent. Regardless, there were hands... which means there was interest. GOALLLLLLLLL
One student after another tell me how the story could be better, what they liked what they didn't understand. But Bob, Bob stood and physically showed me how this story would work on our stage. Which means it's doable, and interesting. All in all I felt successful. Not to mention that one of my fav students (Tori) who's reputation precedes her as being a damn good filmmaker sought me out after class to tell me that she LOVED my pitch and not to change a thing. I know it can be better. But for tonight, it was good enough.
Kudos to all of the students who went tonight, it's not easy, but damn is it fun! And Jenny, we are kindred spirits.

I ventured off campus today for lunch with my buds. We went to 6th & Vine recommended by awesome Ian and loved it! Although I've never been with so many people who HATE having their picture taken. It was like pulling teeth!! Well, get use to it, I'm a documenter and you will be thanking me come graduation. 

I had an ahi tuna wrap with pasta salad and it was divine! And thanks to Chris, I had some great creme brûlée. 

That was after a wellness center visit, trip to Advance Auto to check something on my car, and to blockbuster to return a DVD and purchase 5! 

Screenwriting was fun today, we had an assignment to observe someone for 1/2 an hour and I chose to observe my mom this weekend. (She doesn't know so she'll read it here first) I'll post it below. 

Ok folks, my go-to-bed movie tonight is Milk (2008). Nite!

Christene Hurley
FIM 1101-3
She leans in close to the computer and squints at the thumbnail picture he has as his profile picture on Skype. She forgot her glasses again and pranced around town today with prescription sunglasses so big they would put the Olsen sisters to shame. Like young sweethearts they’ve decided to wait to see each in person in a month. He changes his profile picture monthly while she uses an animated avatar in a bikini on a beach. 
She giggles and shares pictures of her grandson naked in the bathtub, with blue icing all over his face, and sleeping. She sighs, missing both her husband and grandson. Sitting uncomfortably on my computer chair she leans on her right elbow holding her phone with her left hand. Flirtingly, she asks Eric, “Did you get it?” Referring to the email she sent two seconds prior, knowing good and well it takes about fifteen minutes to receive messages in Ramadi, Iraq. They share a sense of humor that is contagious, and nothing is so serious to them they can’t laugh at. He tells her he won’t receive the message today, but she rebuttals by asking him to have faith sometimes. Within a minute I hear a laughter erupt from my little laptop speakers and Eric says, “I eat my words, I just got it.” Mom kicks her head back in a bragging laughter and raises the roof a little. We then proceed to make fun of Eric’s use of the word “baffled” and they take a minute to flirt a little more. The message she sent had pictures attached so while Eric looked through them, mom looked down at the bracelet she wore and twirled it around her wrist, I bet he bought it for her. Hearing his comments on the photos, she looked at the little picture staring back at her and turned and smiled at me. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

American Graffiti (1973)

Some graffiti in the tunnel to my apartments

It's funny that the class that is sparking my thought and inspiration is my Art History class. While I'm most interested in my film classes, they are taking their time to get into the swing of things until everyone has all of the software/hardware and texts. But my Art History class has jumped right in like we've been studying it for years. This week we are discussing why people paint on walls? That is a great question that is based on cave paintings and graffiti.  On a more deeper level, the question I find myself asking is really, what is art? Is a hand print on a wall art, a tagged Anarchy symbol in a tunnel, or a bison from the Paleolithic Era in the Lascaux Cave? I know what I find aesthetically pleasing, but you may not agree. So does that mean what I consider art is not art? Who decides what art is? Deep stuff, huh?

It's on my bucket list to paint graffiti on a wall. An I think I will get the opportunity to do it here, in the Center Stage Tunnel. But I don't know what is worth saying....

French philosopher/sociologist Jean Baudrillard offers a sharp and insightful criticism on popular and high culture. He writes about the way that studying anything requires a kind of murder: in order to understand it, you have to make it your own and destroy its independent existence. I'm so mad I can't find the perfect rebuttal to that by Baudriad (sp.) He says (with lack of better words) that if you keep your childish approach to what you love then you won't get tired or burned out by it. Something like that. It was wonderful.

I spent the weekend with mom eating some of our favorite foods and watching most of the entire first season of I Love Lucy (including the Lost pilot episode). We shared some great laughs over the Episode "Where Lucy thinks Ricky is trying to kill her." I can still picture my mom bouncing around like a boxer. I love you, mom! (She follows my blog)
A few weeks ago I got this idea for my first year 5 minute film and it was inspired by I Love Lucy. It's a funny concept.  I'm going a much darker route now based on recent events in my life.

Puppy play time

On a side note, it was nice not sleeping alone. Peanut snuggled beside me under the blanket, over the pillow on "Brandon's" side of the bed.

I saw City of Lost Children (1995) this weekend. It's a post apocalyptic dystopian French fantasy/drama film by Marc Caro & Jean Pierre Jeunet. It stars Ron Perlman (Hell Boy) which is funny because I JUST saw him in Two Soldiers (2006). It's worth a watch, but I'm more excited to see their earlier film Delicatessen (1991).

So, YAY we played with Final Cut Pro in Editing class, well I played while everyone else installed it. I also (unrelated) made calls today to Satefarm & USAA. Brandon would be so proud because I NEVER do that! I'm always terrified to talk to strangers on the phone, which is why I always screen calls. Explain that. I've had people tell me their theories before, which are always interesting to hear.

In Production Design & Animation we had to research a product and create a 'paste up' from the 1950s and I chose the ever popular Mr. Potato Head (1952). I say popular because about 3 other students picked the same thing, and I really thought I was being original. Either way, I found out some very interesting things and contacted the company who owns the right to the Potato Heads. (Mr. & Mrs.)

Check this out:

This is an exciting week, I start yoga, I have my first cinematography class, I get the results to my safety exam and get the green light to crew my first film which will be Sunday. I have three screenings this weekend: The Piano (1993), A Fool There Was (1915), and Senna (2010). We are kind of all over the place! And I'm excited because I saw the poster for Les triplettes de Belleville (2003)!!!! ( Not to mention that this Sunday is the finale for True Blood and I can finally stop freaking out about finding a site to stream it. I didn't get to Skye Brandon on Monday due to some unforeseen circumstances, but let's cross our fingers for sometime this week.

Something for your viewing pleasure. One of these days I'll list some interesting facts about the founding fathers of film. But for today you can just see some of the Lumiere Bros first films. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Finding Neverland (2004)

I'm taking some personal time and hanging with mom. So sorry about the lack of posts. I'm working on a pretty interesting graffiti blog. I hope everyone is well. 

How can anything ever be wrong with a face like that loving you?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Girl, Interrupted (1999)

Bless friends. Not everyday is going to be sunshine and rainbows and boy am I grateful for people like Carol Housel-Kenney.  Carol gets what it's like to be away from the Mister and to be identified as a non-traditional student. Which to be honest, makes no difference to anyone here, thankfully. Everyone in the film school is pretty much here for the same reason. But i'll be honest, I'm getting tired of talking about movies all day, EVERYDAY. I know I want it to be my career but I'd really like to get to know some more of these students beside which directors are the best and which suck.

Sometimes on my free time I hang with some awesome people on whats called the "elephants." Below is my friend, Mark on the tallest elephant. Parkour!!!

The main use of the elephants is a socializing of the smokers (mainly filmmakers). It's really hard not to, but I'm sticking to it. And I force myself to walk in front of the mural below to remind me of why I quit in the first place. I have to replace those moments I really want to smoke (like today) with something productive... like PARKOUR!!! (Refer to my Any Given Sunday (1999) blog for an explanation and demonstration).

Below is a pic in Directing class with Camilo & Harry. We start shooting next week hopefully and I can't wait. Our first assignment is only a 20 sec video. Seriously? That's enough time to sneeze. Ooh. A video of someone sneezing! Unfortunately directing is my least fav class and I wanted it to be my fav, but it's only week 2.

Tomorrow is homework Friday so I can enjoy my weekend! And hopefully some of us are taking a little field trip to see a current movie. (Even though I practically live in a theatre). 

Sunday's screening is City of Lost Children (1995). Isn't that a weird and interesting poster?! Then Monday is Labor Day!! And I [hopefully] get to Skype my funny bear! PS. they just sprung on us that we are taking our safety handbook exam Tuesday at 9pm, where we thought we had an entire week left to study!! This is decide if we get to start crewing films. "/

OOH! Then yoga starts next week Thursday!! I can't wait, I haven't done yoga since Fayetteville and my bones are brittle!! Then on Friday....da da da dum!! Our first cinematography class!!! Followed by three required screenings. Let's just leave it there and focus on one day at a time. 

I was so flattered today in my Self, Society & Cosmos class, we split into groups and funny enough my group consisted of a drama, visual art, dancer and me (film). But all of them thought I was a dancer!! One guy said I was tiny. LMAO! but thank you. 

I was approved by Dolores Watson to work with her this semester for Federal Work Study! I get to help with student interviews for incoming freshman!!! Woo Hoo!!


okie domes my friends, have an amazing night. I'll post a video mañana hopefully. If I can catch something interesting. xoxoxoxo