Thursday, October 20, 2011

Weekend at Bernie's (1989)

It's almost Halloween! I can't wait, and I want to dress up but I don't know what to go as! 

Monday should have been called 3 minute Monday. I started by starring in Kaelie's in the morning, then I crewed for a bit on Death of a Wizard, starred in Tyler's then Harry's. I have to say those of you who'll see Harry's Vomitorium may be grossed out. But all in all, this was by far my favorite weekend yet. Brandon came to visit and he brought Peanut so we took him out for walks and laid out on the hill and people came to play with him, he was in heaven. That night we screened Rear Window (1954). It is now Brandon's favorite Hitchcock film. Then we finished filming my 3 minute conflict, Haven. It was a party scene We had a BLAST! Sat, we walked to a yard sale, got some coffee, did a little shopping and had BIG burritos from Chipotle. That night Bran went off with his boys for a little and  I joined him later and we all crashed a Drama party, which was 'eh.' What a weekend!

Austin, B, & West gettin ready to party
On the set of Death of a Wizard.
Photo cred: Alex Thompson

Amy & Peanut

Loves of my life, Austin & Lili! 

The Hurley Fam

In Self, Society & Cosmos we are studying the theatre of the Absurd. As absurd as it sounds, I'm totally into it. I read the play the Bald Soprano. Here is an excerpt:

MR. SMITH: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear. [Silence.]
MR. MARTIN: Don t you feel well? [Silence.]
MRS. SMITH: No, he's wet his pants. [Silence.]
MRS. MARTIN: Oh, sir, at your age, you shouldn't. [Silence.]
MR. SMITH: The heart is ageless. [Silence.]
MR. MARTIN: That s true. [Silence.]
MRS. SMITH: So they say. [Silence.]
MRS. MARTIN: They also say the opposite. [Silence.]
MR. SMITH: The truth lies somewhere between the two. [Silence.]
MR. MARTIN: That's true. [Silence.]
MRS. SMITH [to the Martins]: Since you travel so much, you must have many interesting things to tell us.
MR. MARTIN [to his wife]: My dear, tell us what you've seen today.
MRS. MARTIN: It's scarcely worth the trouble, for no one would believe me.
MR. SMITH: We're not going to question your sincerity!
MRS. SMITH: You will offend us if you think that.
MR. MARTIN [to his wife]: You will offend them, my dear, if you think that...
MRS. MARTIN [graciously]: Oh well, today I witnessed something extraordinary. Something really incredible.
MR. MARTIN: Tell us quickly, my dear.
MR. SMITH: Oh, this is going to be amusing.
MRS. SMITH: At last.
MRS. MARTIN: Well, today, when I went shopping to buy some vegetables, which are getting to be dearer and dearer...
MRS. SMITH: Where is it all going to end!
MR. SMITH: You shouldn't interrupt, my dear, it's very rude.
MRS. MARTIN: In the street, near a cafe; I saw a man, properly dressed, about fifty years old, or not even that, who...
MR. SMITH: Who, what?
MRS. SMITH: Who, what?
MR. SMITH [to his wife]: Don't interrupt, my dear, you're disgusting.
MRS. SMITH: My dear, it is you who interrupted first, you boor.

Just to give you an idea about the play. Read it. It's fun. By Eugene Ionesco

So, I am compiling all of the films I have participated in this semester to post on a blog but it's hard to get a hold of all of them. When I do, your minds will be blown by how wonderful these people are!! :)

Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Big Lebowski (1998)

Absurdism- the belief that human beings exist in a purposeless, chaotic universe.

Nihilism- A theory promoting the state of believing in nothing, or of having no allegiances and no purposes.

The Big Lebowski (1998)

You can't know something that's constantly changing. So can you know people? This is the topic in my Philosophy class. The discussions in this class really jolt my brain at 8am. But that question has been lingering in my head all morning. Can you really know someone? Does it even matter if you don't? I feel like a recurring theme in my life is serenity. There are a million things that I can't change, so how do I just accept them? I feel like I know the people closest to me, but their minds constantly change. I still know what they like or hate. But that can change too. So is it even worth figuring out? Do I want someone to know me? Think about it....

I'm reading my Directing book, Total Directing. It's one of my favorite texts so far. But it's one of those classes where you can get away with not reading the assignments so I'm tempted not to. But if I didn't read, I wouldn't learn anything in this class. However, today we are going to one of the studios and shooting a script we read last week. In our groups within our sections we are changing roles every week and today I get to be the camera operator!! :) I may be the only one excited about this assignment. Speaking of directing assignments... 
AUSTIN WITTUHN IS A GENIUS! Austin is my DP for my 3 three minute Directing assignment depicting a conflict between two people. I saw what he's edited so far and it is AMAZING! I can't wait to share it with you! Check out his website:

My next assignment is also 3 minutes. But it is a dream depicting my personal fears or desires. This one will be fun!!I have a couple of drama students I think would be perfect for it. Just waiting for their "yes."

This is a video of a few of us goofing off a little before Producing. 

While I was studying today in between classes, a classroom near me started blaring music. It was this cool whimsical sound that really helped me focus. So of coursed I shazamed it then bought the album. It was Anais Mitchell. I can't stop listening to this song. 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Scary Movie (2000)

Excited to be going back to school tomorrow and going to film the last bit of my 3 min short. A party scene! Who doesn't love a good 'ol college party scene?! 

Today is the last day of my fall break and I'm sick! To top it off I spent the better part of today alone. :( Bran is in some really cool school in Camp Lejune so he left around 1 today. I just got a call not to worry, but that he was thrown off a boat!! If I wasn't high off meds, I may have overreacted. Instead, I think I said, "cool!" 

This break was perfectly placed in the semester. After cramming for midterms, flying to CA and getting emotionally ready for Bran's return I needed to press pause on my brain and just drive on auto pilot for a few days, I think my immune system is still on pause because I have been throwing up all day and with a migraine. 

Sorry for the visuals, but I'm OBSESSED with tumblr right now. :) Why am I so late?!

The day Brandon got back we jumped on Carol's 3 min assignment and helped as grips, this is the finished product, and it is brilliant! 

I can't wait to finish mine, it should be wrapped and ready sometime next week! 

In Self, Society and Cosmos we are studying absurdist writing. Starting with the Bald Soprano:
It's going to be interesting to think like an absurdist for a few weeks. 

It's getting close to that time to start planning Spring Break. I'd like to do something BIG, like leave the United States. Should be possible if we start saving now.. 

Have I seen any interesting movies this break, you ask? Um. no. It's October which means I indulge in horror movies. This week alone I've seen:

Scream 4 (2011)
Hostel II (2007)
Halloween 2 (2009)
The Strangers (2008)
The Others (2001)

I did show Brandon Bridesmaids (2011) and got him laughing so hard and so cute!! I had to record him. I'll add him to my next mini-montage. Then I saw Vicky Christina Barcelona (2008) and I LOVED it! It was so cute and witty. (whoa, deja vu in a million ways right now).
Then Bran and I were in a Godfather (1972) mood and took 2 days to get through it. 

This weekend's required screenings are: Love Goddess (?), Casablanca (1942) and Bombshell (1933). PS I will be dragging Bran to all of these required screening because he is spending the weekend with me. 
Then hopefully we'll be sneaking away to see Footloose (2011) without telling any of my fellow-film students or I will be highly judged. :) That movie has sentimental value with us. We met in 2002 when I was performing in Footloose at CFRT. 

This picture was taken on Aug 8th, 2002. The day we met. I knew we were MFEO. 

OOH! A 4th year film I am crewing on starts shooting this weekend, Death of a Wizard. I'm really excited to help on this movie. So far I've only been involved in costuming, but they've liked everything we have picked out. :D

I hope this migraine goes away soon, I can't focus long enough to finish my Art History Assignment. But I sure can blog about it. :) 

Nighty night my sweeties. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Boyfriend's Back (1993)

My Boyfriend's Back is one of my 90s fav teen films. Johnny has been in love with Missy for years, he dies one night and comes back to life (as a zombie) to win her heart (or brain). :) Very romantic love story. 

This has been a CRAZY week (as expected) and somehow I've managed to do pretty good so far. I've finally finished all of my midterms. Passed all of them with flying colors until my last midterm, American Cinema (which I bombed). Thursday afternoon I got too comfortable and didn't study much for the midterm thinking it would be easy peezy lemon squeezy. Not so much. 

But they are over and I can finally focus on editing and finishing my 3 minute film. I'm so excited! I have a great crew and some great drama students. It's called Haven and so far looks beautiful. 

Fall break just started and Brandon spent the last few days charming my buddies at school. I'm so happy he fits right in. It's so weird to think I'm already half way through my first semester of film school!!

SDFF was a complete success! I didn't realize how much I missed them. Especially my bff, Jen Petrini. Stay tuned for some great pics by my bud, Dianna. 

It's so great to have B back! I've been having so much fun catching up with him and snuggling Peanut!!

This is a video for my dear friend, Camilo. :)

Now heres a video blog with yours truly. Plus a little montage video! 

Call me a social network whore, but I just discovered Tumblr. :) I want to follow you so send me an invite or however that works.