Cucalorus Film Festival November 13-17, 2013
Day 1- 11-13-2013
This is my very first time attending a film festival solely as a filmmaker. I'm usually working the festival. This feels good. I picked up my pass ($300 value) with a couple of gifts, a bottle coozie, t-shirt, and tie sticker that needs to be worn in order to attend a party. A few students from UNCSA will also be attending. I was so excited to see that my film, Helpless is screening with an animated film made last year called Death and the Robot, that is by far the best film I've seen at my school.
My first stop was the very first event, Dance-a-lorus at Thalian Hall. A communion of dance and film where Filmmakers pair with choreographers and dancers to create a piece. Below, dancers dance in front of a projected film about the process of choreographing this piece.
After the performances I met up with Jeremiah, Andreas and Eduardo for some beers at Front Street Brewery. Below, Jeremiah enjoys a plate of homemade ketchup.
The Opening Night Party was held at the Bellamy Mansion on Market street. I love that everything is walking distance. It was gorgeous! With two huge floors and hundreds of people eating incredible food. This is such a great opportunity to mingle and meet other filmmakers.
We bumped into more UNCSA alumni and danced the night away! And took fun pics at the photo booth that always seems to be one of my favorite parts of a film festival!
Brandon was on duty and had a second to say hello! Just across from his boat, Sleepy Hollow was filming an episode of their show. You can see the carnival in the background of the photo below.
I feel right at home even surrounded by complete strangers. We all have one thing in common: a love of films. And I can't wait to start watching them! Helpless screens tomorrow morning at 10am. So I'm hitting the hay early tonight. Good night, Wilmington!
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