Wednesday, October 17, 2012

WRI 2730 Essay #7 Taylor Zabloski

"It's a part of who I am, even though it sounds cheesy."- Taylor Zabloski

I was the most organized person I knew...that is, until I met Taylor Zabloski, 19, Amherst, VA.
Taylor managed to lay low from the social scene during the introductions of freshman last Fall. My only association for a while was that he was my friend's roommate. Taylor started becoming known as a "boss" to me and my friends. The adjectives "beast and swag" found themselves in our descriptions of "Taylor sightings." This stemmed from Taylor's business casual attire and dry sense of humor. Somewhere, a level of respect was established and Taylor became untouchable.

As luck would have it, Taylor is a front row goer, like myself, in class. He sits right beside me so I get to see first-hand just how truly organized he really is.

Why Taylor sits in the front row: 

"It's a psychological thing I guess. It helps me feel like I'm paying attention more. I get called out when I am slacking off, plus I develop more of a relationship with the teacher, 'cause they see my face first, and know when I'm missing. It also has to do with me wanting to get the most out of my education. I'm paying all this money, and have this opportunity to learn. Why would I sit in the back and watch youtube videos, and miss out? I'm working towards finding ways to be more present in my own life, and it's just another small step in being more engaged, as well as using all the resources I'm offered at school."

When did you notice organization become so important?:

"Before I went to college, in high school, especially in the "deciding on colleges" process. Just because there was so much that I had to do in that alone. I applied to six places so it was a lot to keep up with. I made this giant calendar that's on my wall that I still use."

 How is it going to help in Producing (being your first choice)?

"Assembling everything and making sure everyone is on the same page and doing the same thing. For example, before you got here I was scheduling out what we're going to do for the sixteen weeks before we actually shoot. I'm trying to put it together. I feel like that's the main part of the job, actually, is just figuring out the plan for everybody and making sure it all gets executed."

"I feel good when everything is organized and figured out and it all works according to plan. When other people are like, "the sun sets over that hill and how it looks, I don't have that eye, but I can make sure everybody's there to get that."

[My class is the largest in the history of the film school. 90 students started the program last fall. Since then the film school has had to make adjustments to their second year program and we have really been suffering for it. Our seven minute project was lacking in the organization of groups and schedules so Taylor stepped up and took control.]

What was the reason you wanted to get a grip on the seven minutes?

"I felt like everybody wanted it. I felt like it needed it to be done and with me wanting things to be organized that, in a more selfish way, it kind of helped me be organized as well. And I couldn't figure out what I needed to do so I was kind of just like "whoa" we need to figure all this out before I can figure out that stuff."

[As suspected, when asked how he would handle a zombie apocalypse,  without hesitation, Taylor replies:]

If a zombie apocalypse occurred how would you handle it?

"I would definitely tell somebody to drive me to the county, where I lived before because the city is the worse place. In the county, everyone has a supply shelter just for disasters. They also all have a ton of weapons and now how to use them. They know survival skills and population density is less, so you may encounter less people that are infected."

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