Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mommie Dearest (1981)

"A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people, promptly announces she never did care for pie."  ~Tenneva Jordan

This completely describes my mom. She always makes sure everyone else is taken care of before herself. And I have to thank her for always letting me taste the food and pick at it while she cooks, half the time I doubt she knows I do it. 

My wedding

"Who ran to help me when I fell,
And would some pretty story tell,
Or kiss the place to make it well?
My mother."
~Ann Taylor

I found this quote years ago and wrote it on a page of a scrapbook I made about high school. (When 'blogging' was more hands on)

There's something about my mom, she can tell that something is wrong without me saying a word but trying hard to force a smile. She has that effect that makes me cry when something is wrong and I don't want to deal with it. 

The three generations

Puerto Rico, 2010
Hanging out with my mom and grandma have proven to be some very entertaining times. It's really interesting imagining her growing up as I did, only completely different. Mom & Mama are polar opposites. 

 "As is the mother, so is her daughter." Ezekiel 16:4
I can honestly say my mom is someone I'm very proud of. I can only hope that I continue to make her proud despite some of the choices I've made. My mom sets a great example of what a woman should be like.  

Mom and Eric
I'm very grateful that my mom met Eric. In the case of both of my parent's "the second time is the charm." And they are both very happy, which makes me very happy for them. 

 If it weren't for my parent's enormous VHS collection, I don't think I would be as interested in film. We were always going to the theatre and drive-in so I was pretty updated of the most recent movies. It's still the case, anytime I visit her collection of DVDs have doubled. Let's hope she's buying my movies in a few years. (I'll try to keep the profanity low). 

We know how to get down.
You wanna talk about the Queen of the Electric Slide? That would be my mom. 

"He's Been Faithful" is a very nostalgic song for us. It was performed at our church and then we were obsessed and really thought we were opera singers. We were out and about one day, mom is driving, and we are singing to the top of our lungs. Eyes closed we reach the bridge (of the song) next thing we knew (and it was too late) We pop onto the curb of the road and pop the tire on the car, all because of this song. 
It's one of those "youhadabethere's"

But! If my mom and I had a song it would be "I wanna singa."

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